This Week's Story
Deborah discovers that 900 iron chariots and a gigantic army are no match for God's possibilities!

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Are you exaggerating? part two
“Dad, you must be exaggerating.”
“I might agree with you, Son, but I was with the troops when Deborah marched with us.”
“Why would you go to battle against an army with 900 iron chariots? You had no weapons to match theirs.”
“True, but God gave Deborah a message. Based on what He told her, she was sure we would win. Don’t forget that she was an Israelite prophet and a judge. The punishment for a prophet who did not tell the truth was death and she was an experienced judge. We trusted her decisions.”
“But Dad, she was a woman! Our women do not advise armies about warfare.”
“Yes, that was unusual. But we needed help, and we knew she would ask God for guidance. We were beginning to realize that without Him we were not going to survive. The Canaanites occupied the northern part of our country. Many of our people were refugees. Our
lives were miserable. Attack parties travelled our main roads. For safety we were forced to travel crooked side paths.
“During this time Deborah became judge and settled disputes among us. She contacted Barak, who was one of our men from the tribe of Naphtali. I don’t know what his leadership qualifications were.“She told Barak, ‘I have a message for you. God said, ‘Get together 10,000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun and meet at Mt. Tabor. I will cause the enemy forces under General Sisera to go to the River Kishon. They will have their iron chariots, but I will give you victory.’
“Barak didn’t accept those orders. He must have been terrified and sure that the mission would result in bloody defeat. He answered Deborah, ‘I’ll go, but only if you go with me.’
“She told him, ‘I’ll go with you, but understand, since this is your choice, you will receive no honor. God’s victory will be due to a woman.’
“So, people thought she would be the one to receive glory in victory over Canaanites. That’s not how it went.”
“Barak brought soldiers to Mt. Tabor. From their positions they moved quickly against the enemy. The Canaanites were in the flat plain below the mountain and by the river. The flat land was superb for rapid maneuvering of the chariots, but horrendous disaster struck for the Canaanites. A tremendous downpour of rain began. The Canaanites’ chariots became stuck in mud. Horses’ hoofs pounded wildly and helplessly. Our soldiers under Barak chased the enemy, who fled in panic.
“General Sisera jumped from his chariot, deserting his troops and fled on foot. He went to the tent of Jael, whose husband was friendly with the Canaanites. As Sisera approached he was dirty and expecting Israelites to be chasing him, Jael greeted him. ‘Come in; do not be afraid.’ She fed him milk and yogurt. He lay down and she covered him with a blanket. He went into a deep sleep, from which he did not awake. Jael killed him. We do not understand what her loyalties were, but we Israelites consider her a heroine. The Canaanite General Sisera had caused our people to suffer for many years. After the battle Deborah composed a song of our deliverance, which we often sing.
“Son, since that victory we have had peace for forty years, but I see that our people are running again to their own ways. Do not make this mistake.”
This is Barbara Steiner. The historical details of this story can be found in Judges of the Bible. Please check out
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