This Week's Story
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Joash abandons God.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Joash Crashes! part five
Shadows flowed on the marble floor in King Joash’s receiving room. He sat remembering the day he had been crowned king of Judah. “I was seven. Frightened! What would Jehoiada expect me to do?
“Soldiers surrounded me. Where was Queen Athaliah? How could she hate me enough to want to kill me? Jehoiada told me she became queen by killing all my brothers.
“She twisted my father, her husband, to turn against God when he was king in Judah. Jehoiada wanted me to never be like my father or Athaliah.
“At my coronation everyone present promised to be God’s people. In the following years I continued to be taught God’s laws. I heard about our kings who obeyed God. Then, our country was blessed. I heard the stories of our kings who did whatever they wished, even worshipping idols.
“Those kings broke the first commandment God gave to Moses for our people to obey. ‘You shall have no other gods before you.’
“Breaking that law brought disaster to Judah.
“Now I am a grown man. Jehoiada and Aunt Jehosheba have died. Am I my own counsellor? Do I want God’s counsel?”
Joash looked at the princes waiting to see him. “What do you wish to tell me?”
“Your highness, we have a suggestion. Under High Priest Jehoiada we kept the religious festivals, the sacrifices, and offerings. We want more excitement and fewer laws in our religious activities. We wish to learn more about the religions in other countries.”
King Joash’s mind squirmed. “Am I prepared to follow the princes’ suggestions? It is the false teaching Jehoiada warned me to resist, but to be honest I have been wishing for more freedom to do whatever I choose to do.” He turned to the princes.
“My advice to you is for each of you to start choosing whatever you think would bring you more satisfaction. Enjoy life.”
The princes were delighted with the king’s answer and soon were pursuing idol worship. God sent prophets to warn the people of the troubles they were going to have. Some of the people paid attention to the prophets, but more and more of them pursued entertainment.
God’s spirit led Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada to preach to the people. He said, “God has a message for you. Why do you break God’s commandments? You cannot succeed by paying no attention to His wisdom. Because you have turned your back on Him, He will forsake you.”
The princes were angered and plotted against Zechariah. King Joash pushed from his thoughts how Jehoiada had helped him. Instead, he gave the command for Zechariah to be stoned to death in the courtyard of God’s Temple.
Later that year, a small Syrian force attacked Judah, an army far out-matched by Joash’s own. They defeated his troops, killed the princes, and took their wealth to their king. Joash himself was left gravely wounded. In the end, it was his servants who struck the final blow, avenging Zechariah.
The history of Joash contains tragedy and lesson.
Our recording team today is Carlos Gamez, Gwen Crawford, Todd Warren, and Barbara Steiner.
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