This Week's Story
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Athaliah has a savage determination to become queen of Judah, regardless if tragedy destroys her family.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
A baby prince is rescued!
part one
It is based on a revealing Bible account in II Kings, particularly chapter 11.
Jehosheba felt miserable, but not hopeless. “Jehoiada, my husband, we must rescue my baby nephew Joash from murder. His grandmother is determined he shall die.
“Unless we kidnap Joash, he will be the end of the line of David. No prince of our royal family will remain. Athaliah is intent on becoming queen of Judah. As were her parents, she is a monster of evil. She convinced her husband, King Jehoram, to have his brothers executed, so they could not contest the throne. Then King Jehoram and his son Ahaziah died in battle. Now she is slaughtering King Jehoram’s sons. We cannot let the youngest, a baby still nursing, be murdered.
“You are a good man, Jehoiada. Your heart is given to loving and serving God. You are the high priest at The Temple in Jerusalem. Your help is needed! I have a plan.”
“Jehosheba, I will help protect little Joash. I will teach him to know
God, and to love and obey Him. He will hear the stories of how God has helped us when we followed His laws. What is your plan?”
“I have arranged to kidnap Joash. He can be taken with his wet nurse and hidden in a bedroom in the temple of God.”
“Jehosheba, with God’s help your plan can be successful.”
Six years passed with Joash living in the temple. He was protected, loved, and taught. Athaliah became queen, ignored the temple, and ruled Judah her way for about six years. She was the only female ruler of Judah during its history. She governed as a dictator treating believers in God unfairly. She did not know that Joash was alive and safe.
The seventh year Jehoiada, God’s faithful high priest at the temple, began drastic changes. He ordered, “Send the captains of the bodyguards and the Palace Security force to meet me in The Temple of God.” Levites and the heads of families from all the towns of Judah were contacted to come.
They came, and Jehoiada made a solemn agreement with them. Then to their astonishment seven-year-old Joash came walking into their midst.
Jehoiada declared, “Here he is—the son of the king. He is going to rule just as God promised the sons of David. Now those of you who come on duty on the Sabbath and guard the palace, and those of you who go off duty on the Sabbath and guard The Temple of God, are to join forces at the time of the changing of the guard. Form a ring around the young king. Kill anyone who tries to break through your ranks. Your job is to stay with the king at all times and places, coming and going.”
The orders were obeyed. Weapons that had belonged to King David were distributed. Guards took their assigned positions for protecting the king. Their line extended from one end of The Temple to the other, surrounding the Altar and Temple.
It was time for the coronation of the rescued prince.
Join us soon for part two. Jehoiada’s coronation instructions are partially quoted from The Message by Eugene H. Peterson. Our recording team today is Todd Warren, Gwen Crawford, Carlos Gamez, and Barbara Steiner.
Enjoy investigating
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