This Week's Story
John the Baptist draws crowds of people with a challenge to repent.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Who are you? part three
The next morning Levi and John ate a light meal. They tended their camels, who were content with eating desert shrubs. Little water was available for the camels.
“John, when can we give our camels more water?”
“Tonight, we will be at the Jordan River. There the camels can eat and drink as much as they desire. They have wonderful resources for not starving or dying of dehydration. Their bodies store fat in their humps and can change the fat into energy when they need food or water.”
“Will you be preaching and baptizing tomorrow?”
“Yes, I will do both. We will travel together to the Jordan River.”
“Thank you, John. You did not know I would come unannounced and ask you many questions. My mind is chewing upon what you have told me. I will learn more as I hear you preach. Your words are feeding me.”
As John and Levi travelled to the Jordan River through the Judaean Desert, they crossed ravines, barren hills, and dry river beds. Clouds were forming. Light rain began descending. It never struck the ground, because the water vapor in the air had been near zero. The rain evaporated in the dry air.
As they neared the Jordan River, they saw people gathering. “Are these people coming to hear you, John?”
“Yes. They come with questions. Many desire to be baptized for purification. Priests ask if I am Elijah or the promised Messiah. I reply, ‘No. I am the voice of one shouting in the wilderness. Make straight the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah prophesied.’
“Levi, I am to prepare a people to be ready for the Lord. I am an advance messenger! My baptism does not bring salvation or forgiveness of sins. It is a call for a change of hearts. I call, ‘Repent!’”
Levi heard John tell crowds, “I baptize you with water, but there is one to come who is mightier than I. I am not fit to unfasten his shoes. He brings salvation and the forgiveness of sins. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him. John declared, “There is the lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world. This is the man I meant when I earlier said, ‘A man comes after me, yet his rank is greater than mine.’
“Before I was born, he already existed. I did not know who he was, yet he is the reason I have come baptizing with water. He is to be revealed to Israel.
“I saw the Holy Spirit coming down from heaven in the form of a dove. God, who had sent me to baptize, previously had told me that when I saw the Spirit come down and rest on someone, I would know that person was the one who would baptize with the Holy Spirit. I saw it myself and I am giving witness that this is God’s Chosen One.
Later John was standing with two of his followers, and Jesus walked by. John said, “There is the Lamb of God.” The two followers heard and followed Jesus.
Today’s story presenter and writer is Barbara Steiner. Visit
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