This Week's Story
President Lincoln was keenly aware that being U.S. President did not give him the right to force his ideas upon the nation without regard for the Constitution and the people's will.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Abraham Lincoln Outruns A.I., and Flesh and Blood Analysis! part four
“So Daniela, hmm… I understand that you believe that Abraham Lincoln showed intelligence superior to contemporary artificial intelligence!
“Also, you claim that Abraham Lincoln demonstrated intelligence that frequently was not understood by flesh and blood humans.
“I do, Nathan. A machine is programmed with information, logic, and specific functions. It is not a one-of-a kind creation with a potential for God-given-wisdom, cognitive and emotional intelligence, not to mention the astonishing breadth of mental gifts and talents, and types of human intelligence!”
“You are stepping into guesswork.”
“You are probably right; but, listen to me. Abraham Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. There was a mighty uproar of Northern approval and disapproval. He indicated he would release the final draft January 1, 1863.”
“Wow!! I suppose Northerners continued protesting and approving and some were terrified that he might release no proclamation.”
“You are so right. You should read letters and newspaper articles that were written. One man wrote Senator Sumner, ‘We must send no more men to Washington. There are enough there if action is intended. Poor Lincoln, honest, hesitating, drifting, feeble-minded Lincoln—patriotic buffoon! It would be no great pity, if he were lugged off to Dixie, except for the name of it!’
“Another letter to Senator Sumner stated, ‘The main thing seems to me to be to reach the President and that at once….The first of January is near at hand, and we see no signs of any measures for carrying into effect the Proclamation….’”
“Daniela, I can add another proof to the many letters and newspaper articles you have read that reflect the tremendous public pressure put on President Lincoln regarding the Proclamation.
“Do you remember hearing of William Lloyd Garrison? He was a very passionate speaker against slavery in the North. At first he was a strong critic of President Lincoln. He slowly changed as he better understood how the president’s mind worked. He wrote to an English abolitionist that ‘Lincoln’s freedom to follow his convictions of duty as an individual is one thing—as the President of the United States, it is limited by the functions of his office, for the people do not elect a President to play the part of reformer or philanthropist, nor to enforce upon the nation his own peculiar ethical or humanitary ideas without regard to his oath or their will.’”
“Nathan, I particularly like President Lincoln’s statement of his view of slavery. He wrote, ‘I am naturally antislavery. If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel, and yet I have never understood that the presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially upon this judgment and feeling.’
“I feel like standing and shouting. ‘Amen’!”
“Same here.
“Regardless, January 1, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It announced ‘that all persons held as slaves’ within the rebellious areas ‘are and henceforth shall be free.’
“I believe President Lincoln showed courageous wisdom.”
Please continue investigating Today it is being presented to you by Daniela Thomas, Nathan Thomas, and myself, Alyce Steiner.
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