This Week's Story
King Saul's camp is miraculously infiltrated and David becomes an immigrant.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Don’t kill him! part two
King Saul was confused and humiliated! How did his enemy David enter his camp? How did he creep to Saul’s side and find Saul and his 3,000 elite soldiers asleep? How did David take Saul’s spear from the ground by his head and his jug of water? Sleeping soldiers surrounded the king.
Who was with David when he came to the military camp? King Saul had selected special men for his mission to catch David. For days they had been hunting David in the wilderness of Ziph.
David was now yelling at King Saul from a hill opposite the king, “My king, what have I done against you? If God has stirred you against me, then let me give an offering. If this is a sneaky human plan, may the people making it be cursed.
“You have chased me from my home. I cannot be with my people and worship God like I should do. Will you force me to die on foreign soil? Why does the king of Israel hunt for me like searching for a single flea? Such a chase is unimportant for a king.”
Saul felt foolish and admitted, “I have sinned. Come back home. I
will not harm you, for you showed respect for me today. You could have ended my life. I have been wrong.”
David replied, “Here is your spear, King Saul. Have one of your young men come and get it. God gives His reward for being loyal and I did not kill you, when God put you in my power, because you are His anointed king. He chose you. Now may He value my life and rescue me from my troubles.”
Saul told David, “May God bless you. You will do heroic deeds.”
David left and Saul returned to his palace. David had not forgotten that previously Saul had tried to kill David when he was praised as a soldier. Again, Saul would be consumed with jealousy. Sometimes his conscience would accuse him and he would treat David fairly.
David thought, “Saul will pursue me again. I will escape to the Philistines.”
For generations the Israelites and Philistines had been enemies. Saul had no desire to tangle with them and would leave David alone.
David went to the king of the Philistines, Achish. He knew of David’s trouble with King Saul. Little did Achish know what David’s attitudes were.
King Achish gave David the town of Ziklag. David and his family, with his six hundred men and their families moved to Ziklag, a Philistine town with a different culture and religion. The Israelites had faith in one god. Their first commandment from God through Moses was: “Do not worship any other gods besides me.” The Philistines worshipped multiple gods.
In part three we discover how David, Saul, and the Philistines were caught in challenges.
Follow This week our source was the Bible in I Samuel chapters 26 through 29. Presenters were Todd Warren, Scott Thomas, and Daniela Thomas with Nathan Thomas recording.
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