This Week's Story
Jeremiah did not hide or run.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
God, I am too young!
“God, why are you asking me? I’m just a kid. I am too young to be your messenger!”
“Jeremiah, I knew you before I started shaping you inside your mom. Before you were born, I decided that you would be a messenger for me.”
“God, I do not want to be rude to you, but you are telling me that I will be a prophet. I cannot imagine that I could be one. I would have to communicate your will to people and sometimes show them the future.
“Lord, you must not know who I am. I am Jeremiah. I have no experience as a prophet. My father is a priest. Maybe he could take my place.”
“Don’t talk like that. It is important that you go where I send you and say whatever message I give you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Jeremiah, I do understand. You are afraid of talking to people. You don’t know whether they will listen to you or how they will treat you. You do not need to be afraid. I will be with you and take care of you. Trust me. Do not trust your fears.”
“Why are you touching my mouth?”
“I am putting my words inside your mouth.”
“What do you mean?”
“Jeremiah, today I am appointing you to be my messenger, my ambassador, to speak with the leaders of nations. What you do will affect the future of nations and its people. You will destroy and build up kingdoms. You will stand strong against some nations.”
“Lord, I hear your words, but they are beyond me.”
“Jeremiah, look there. What do you see?”
“An olive tree branch.”
“That’s right. It has a meaning. It means that I am watching, and I will do what I say. My threats of punishment are real.
“What do you see now?”
“A pot of boiling water. It is tipping from the direction of the north.”
“It is a symbol. Terror will come to Judah from the north. It will be like pouring boiling water onto people. Horrible to imagine!
“Listen to me, carefully. I am putting into place the movement of armies from northern nations. They will attack Jerusalem and all the other towns of Judah.
“I am pronouncing judgment on my people for deserting me for idols. Their behavior is tragic and senseless. They even make idols to worship. They ask idols to answer their prayers.
“When my people have asked me for help with open hearts, I have gladly helped them. Now they ask wood, stone, the moon, and stars to guide them.
“I have sent prophets to warn them. ‘Turn from your evil ways; turn to God.’
“Instead, their answer to problems and false hopes is, ‘We can do this; we do not need God. We have our idols, for when we need them.’
“Jeremiah, my people are lost!
“It is time. Your job begins. Speak to the people. Tell them the messages I give to you for them. Do not give up. If you do, I will confuse you before them.”
Jeremiah did not hide or run.
This is Barbara Steiner with a story from Jeremiah, II Chronicles, and II Kings in biblical history.
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