This Week's Story
King Josiah's sons reject God.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
From Here Where Can We Go? part one
You won’t find me in the Bible. You can meet my family there and wish you hadn’t. My father, King Josiah, was different.
I like to think about Father. He gives me hope that people do not have to choose to defy God.
Father became king at age eight. His father, the previous king, was murdered by his servants.
When Father was sixteen, he asked, “How do I know God? How does He want me to live?”
As father learned God’s ways, he followed them. At age 20 he began to rid our country of idol worship.
When he was twenty-six, he gave orders that the once beautiful temple in Jerusalem for worshipping God would be repaired. It was a massive effort by many craftsmen who willingly did excellent work.
During the repairs a book of God’s laws was found. When it was read to Father, in despair he ripped the clothes he was wearing and said, “Our ancestors have not obeyed God’s words. His anger is poured out against us. Go to the temple and ask God about the words in this book. Ask for me and Judah and Israel.”
Hilkiah, the high priest, and key men, went. They consulted with the prophetess Huldah. She gave them a message from God. “I will bring destruction to Jerusalem and Judah. Its people have abandoned me. Tell King Josiah that since he humbled himself before me, the destruction will come after his death.”
Much more happened before Father’s death. I remember the joyous Passover celebration we had.
My joy ended after Father died in battle. My three brothers and nephew became wretched kings. Not one of them wanted God’s direction. I call them: Haz, Kim, Chin, and Zed.
Haz became king. Three months later Neco, king of Egypt, removed Haz and sent him to Egypt. Neco demanded a tribute from us of 7,500 pounds of silver and 75 pounds of gold. Bad times had arrived!
Neco made my brother Kim king. Kim took the country back to idol worship for eleven years. Then King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire attacked us. He put Kim into chains and sent him to Babylon. He pillaged treasures from our temple and placed them in his palace.
He put Kim’s son on the throne for three months and ten days. Chin was no better than Kim and was sent to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar again stole treasures from our temple. He made my brother Zed the next king. Zed gambled that he could defy God and King Nebuchadnezzar. Zed lost.
I was beginning to understand that there were consequences when our people followed evil kings and refused to listen to the prophets. God sent them to warn the people.
I felt a deep load that my three brothers and nephew had led our people to death, imprisonment, and abandonment in foreign countries. Why was it so easy for my family to rebel against God?
This is Barbara Steiner with a saga of rebellion. It is a Bible story found in II Kings and II Chronicles.
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