This Week's Story
Charlie, can you be sure, that every Bible story with people doing what you have not seen, is fantasy?

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Charlie Hears About Surprise Realities, part one
“Barbara, tell me one of those Bible stories you like so well.”
“Why? You laugh when you hear something from the Bible that you think could not happen. To you, what is possible is what you see, and do not question!”
“Slow down! What’s going on with you?”
“Charlie, you are missing life mysteries. I also miss zillions of life mysteries, but when I realize I am seeing one, I am curious. I research and ask questions like, `What caused that spark? Why is that boy curling his little fingers when he is pitching?’
“You almost never ask a question. How can you be sure, that every Bible story with people doing what you have not seen, is fantasy?
“Today you missed the peculiar yellow jackets stuck in the sidewalk cracks you walked on. Yesterday you ignored the strange jet that flew above us. Did you notice its shape?”
“Barbara, I could have stopped our hike, looked up, and probably gotten a stiff neck.”
“Charlie, would you have believed me if on March 14, 2020 I told you, ‘Soon you will not be allowed to attend school in classrooms with other students.’ You would have assumed I was concocting a new story.
“Now we have experienced that I told you no tale. Online school was an unknown. Now it is a reality. You may learn that the Bible stories you consider imaginative myths, are possibilities unknown to you.
“For two and a half years I received help often from unknown sources. Sometimes, it was as much a surprise to me, as it was to the giver. Some people gave specific amounts of money, not knowing why they gave that amount. When I no longer needed the help, it stopped.”
“Barbara, give me an example.”
“That’s something I love to do. Here’s a surprise that showed me that God was prompting people to do exactly what my two girls and I needed.
“I had two jobs and two little girls. My car needed repairs. A mechanic told me the repair cost would be $500.00! I did not have the money.
“I talked to a fellow who had a full-time job. He was also a good mechanic. I asked him, ‘Harvey, would you order the parts my car needs and do the repairs? May I pay my bill in installments?’”
“Barbara, I will do the work; you can make the payments.”
When I went to get the car, I asked, “Harvey, what do I owe you?”
“$250.00 for the parts.”
“What is the charge for your labor?”
“There is no charge.”
“That is not fair. Please tell me what I owe you.”
“Barbara, do not tell me to do, what God told me not to do.”
“Charlie, God made clear to Harvey that he should fix my car for no labor charge. It was God and Harvey’s private business. I did not question Harvey’s thinking. I knew he was practical and experienced. I saw that God can communicate to people. Harvey’s actions were not make-believe.”
Yes, I am the Barbara in this story.
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