This Week's Story
COVID-19 changes the life of a teenager!

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
Covid-19: The Fair is Cancelled.
Thursday, the first day of the Colorado River Fair, Mom told me, “William, the fair is cancelled!”
“Why? This is Fair Vacation Week. There’s no school.”
“Governor Newsom declared March 4th, last week, that California is in a State of Emergency. Cases of coronavirus must be identified and spreading must be slowed. Preparation is necessary.”
Life began changing fast. Coronavirus must be very contagious!
My life had felt normal. On the weekends I rode quads and hung out with friends. I was in eighth grade at Appleby Elementary and Wednesday’s This Week’s Story history class. Once a month I went to Mexico to get my braces fixed. On Sundays, my family and I went to church.
The day of the fair announcement my sister Elizabeth was at the fairgrounds getting her lamb ready to show to judges. On the intercom a man announced, “The fair has been cancelled.” Kids who had raised animals for the fair began crying.
More information came. “Return all animals to where they were before the fair.”
Kids asked, “Where can I get a refund for my $25.00 fair ride bracelet-ticket?”
Parents and kids went to ACE Hardware to buy wood shavings and feed for their animals.
Two days later Palo Verde United School District pronounced that there would be no school assemblies or large gatherings. A day later I heard, “School is cancelled for two weeks.”
Information began pouring into the community through radio and Facebook. “There will be no school until the first of April.” “All after school sports and Little League games are cancelled.” “School will be out of session until further notice.” “Limit large social gatherings to 250 persons.”
Riverside County Health Department announced, “All people must wear masks in stores and social environments. People on walks or riding in cars do not need to wear masks.” I do not like wearing a mask!
Now people are not to meet in groups with over ten people. Church services went online. My family and I listen to ours.
Newscasters on T.V. repeat, “Individuals over 65 years of age are more apt to get coronavirus. People with heart disease, or diabetes or weakened immune systems are also more likely to get coronavirus.”
Daily orders are: “Use social distancing.” “If possible, stay at home, except for grocery shopping or medical needs.” “People must be no less than six feet apart when outside.”
Only essential businesses can remain open. Restaurants are closed except for take-out food.
My dad and I began remodeling a home. We installed lights, removed carpets, put high composition shingles on the roof, installed doors, and did plumbing. It was hard work!
I like working on my quad. I put a new carburetor into it. More time with my family is good. Sometimes my siblings and I argue more.
Last week there was coronavirus testing in town. My mom, brother, two sisters and I went. A swab was put into my nose. Uncomfortable! I heard that seven people in town have had coronavirus.
When is life going to be normal?
I am William Smith writing with my teacher, Barbara Steiner. She is reading my memories of changes with the threat of COVID-19.
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