This Week's Story
"Follow the Leader" is a dangerous game when Ahab and Jezebel lead. Drought comes to Israel.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
God's Still Around, part three
Obadiah never could relax at work. Sure he had status as palace manager, but every day was filled with potential disaster for anyone in the palace. King Ahab was selfish. His wife was a master manipulator. Obadiah thought, This job has one advantage. Sometimes I can rescue Ahab and Jezebel’s victims.
Ahab of Israel had married Princess Jezebel. She was the daughter of a foreign king. Her religion contradicted what God had taught the Israelites, about whom He was and how the Israelites should live. That didn’t matter to Jezebel! She had her agenda. My religion will become the religion of Israel. These people will worship my gods, Baal and Asherah. Any Israelite who is determined to believe there is only one true god, will be subject to the punishments I choose.
Many Israelites followed Jezebel’s whims. Their behavior had consequences. God’s prophet Elijah announced to Ahab, “As sure as it is that God, whom I serve, exists; there will be no rain or dew during the next few years.”
Then Elijah disappeared. Ahab made an exhaustive search for him as Israel went into drought for three years. Animals died and people suffered.
Today as Obadiah reported for duty, Ahab ordered, “You are going with me. We will check every spring and valley to find grass to save at least some of my horses and mules. You check half of the territory; I’ll do the other.”
As Obadiah checked for grass, Elijah came walking toward him. Immediately Obadiah fell to the ground in respect. “Is it really you, Elijah?”
“Yes. Tell Ahab I am here.”
“If I tell Ahab that you are here, you won’t wait. Who knows where you will be? The king will kill me. He has looked for you throughout all the surrounding countries.
“Please, consider that once I hid 100 of God’s prophets, so Queen Jezebel could not kill them.”
“Obadiah, I assure you that I will be here when Ahab returns.”
Ahab came. “So the troublemaker of Israel has returned!”
“King Ahab, you and your family are Israel’s troublemakers. You have refused to obey God’s commandments. You worship the idol Baal.
“Bring the people of Israel and the prophets of Baal and of Asherah to Mount Carmel. These false prophets have led Israel away from God and your wife has supported them.”
When the people arrived, Elijah’s voice thundered. “Choose whom you are going to serve. If the Lord is God, follow Him. If Baal is God, follow him.”
There was silence.
“I am the only prophet of God left. Baal has 450 prophets. Bring two bulls. Prophets of Baal, choose the bull you want. Cut it into pieces and lay it on the wood of your altar. Do not set fire to it.
“I will prepare the other bull, and place it on an altar. I will not set fire to it. Call to your god Baal. I will call to the Lord. The god who answers by setting fire to the wood is the true God.”
The people spoke, “We agree.”
They watched with tense curiosity. Did Elijah have some special way of getting fire? Would the almighty God answer Elijah?
This is Barbara Steiner. Soon we will have the contest and its astonishing results. Check out
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