This Week's Story
I do not fit into this crazy world! Every day I am expected to know new words and learn new skills.

This Week’s Story relives American history and the Bible through brief inspiring stories presented on mp3 audio recordings and text for reading.
When Change Makes Us Feel Stupid, part one
Most of us do not want to feel stupid. We like to be able to handle everyday living. The trouble is that what we are expected to know keeps changing and getting more complicated. In the future no writer of history books will be able to accurately record the scope of our time.
Sometimes our brains protest, “I do not fit into this crazy world. Every day I am expected to know new words and learn new skills. How can I learn new skills when I do not know the words that describe them? Too much is changing, and too fast. I like challenge, but not this much!”
We are told, “Information is being added to the world’s knowledge at a faster rate than ever before in history.” That’s interesting, but how do we use the information? How do we explain a problem we have with our computer, smart phone, smart T.V., or computerized car? How do we find the name of the type of medical specialist we need because our stomachs cannot handle daily pressure?
Can we order from a catalog by phone? The sales representatives
are probably in and from another country. They speak courteously with an accent that no hearing aid helps. These conversations require courage and patience from us and the reps. Reps! That word raises another problem. Short-cut words, especially on text messages! LOL! That’s easy. What about YOLO? Today I learned it means: You only live once.
I went to a store because my smart phone locked. I could not get my contact numbers, voicemail, or make calls. I was told that something was wrong with my smart phone. I wondered: Did I damage its intelligence? I became frustrated. Why should I need a new phone, new terms, and new definitions for old words? I could not communicate my needs.
I asked a salesclerk, “Please, give me a definition for pin number and for password for this phone.”
She replied, “You can use the words for the same thing.”
“Do you mean pin number and password are synonyms for each other? How can that be? I am being asked to give information for each one.”
She stared blankly at me and then repeated what she had already told me.
I said, “Please listen to what I am saying.” I repeated my question using different words. That did not help.
Another clerk came and I asked her, “Do you know what a cheat sheet is?”
“I am making one for terms I need to understand for using this phone. Please give me a simple definition for pin number and password.”
She did so, because she understood the meaning of each word, and had a vocabulary to communicate what I needed.
I’ve been thinking. I do not have to be bombarded by change. I can take mini breaks every day. I can think of the words from Psalm 23 in the Bible. “He makes me to lie down in green pastures…. He restores my soul.”
“Thank you, Father.”
This is Barbara Steiner. Take care, and enjoy
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